air curtains

4 Reasons Why You Need an Air Curtain in Your Store

An air conditioning curtain is most commonly installed at the entrances or exits of supermarkets, shopping malls, theatres, and other similar spots, to blow air across the opening at high pressure. It usually consists of a blower fan with a high air flow capacity that discharges air from top to bottom. Making a barrier between the outside and the inside, an air conditioning curtain offers many benefits:

Strip curtain, high speed door or air curtain for cold storage
  • Increases the Comfort Level

Customer comfort and satisfaction is crucial at all costs, and the environment of the store plays a big part in it. To increase the comfort level of the visitors and the habitability of the place, air curtains create a barrier between the air inside and the outside environment and help in maintaining the desired air temperature and humidity level inside the building. On both hot and cold days, air curtains keep customers in a comfortable, smoke-free environment.

  • Keep Unwanted Elements at Bay

Extremely cold or warm premises or tiny insects or pollutants can easily send customers off, affecting the productivity of your business. Air conditioning curtains keep debris, pests, unwanted odours, and any other undesired elements from entering inside the building.

  • Reduces Energy Costs

Having open doors is an efficient way of attracting customers but highly ineffective when it comes to maintaining the temperature level of any store, especially on large premises. Air curtains are the perfect solution in such cases as they create an invisible door that prevents the inflow of external air and restricts the outflow of indoor air. By doing so, air curtains successfully preserve the temperature levels and prevent unnecessary heating bills.

  • Promotes a Clean Environment

An air seal is created that prevents the outside air from penetrating into the store. Consequently, air curtains promote a healthy and hygienic environment as they restrict the entry of flying pests, insects, and other pollutants.

Air conditioning curtains have become increasingly popular in the last few years and with the numerous benefits they have to offer, it is easy to see why.

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